Anime has gained more exposure and popularity than it used to have. Its fan base has greatly expanded over the last few years and people are consuming more and more anime content on their desktop and mobile devices. This is something remarkable by a conventional way and other events related to anime which have been popping up from different parts of the world.
Whether it is your first time or twentieth, chances are very high that you have been in search of anime wallpapers. This is most likely for your desktop or maybe you want to have a Waifu as a background on your mobile phone. Therefore, the best place to find them is by engaging in image search through Google. This could give great results though may not show everything you need.
Nonetheless, if you want something of high quality, unique or even better, you should know where to find them. So, which are those best places you are going to find the best anime wallpapers? You might start at some popular anime viewing sites like Crunchyroll or Kissanime, but it’s better to look at a site dedicated to collecting and sharing wallpapers. Here is a list of 9 sites that provide consistent, high-quality anime wallpapers.
AlphaCoders is a gigantic wallpaper and image site that covers a wide range of topics. It’s not dedicated just to anime wallpapers, but anime is one of its most popular categories. At the moment, they list over 170,000 different high-quality anime wallpapers.
In addition to desktop wallpapers, you can find mobile wallpapers, which are presented in a vertical rather than horizontal format and at appropriate resolutions for the most popular mobile devices.
You can also browse through anime-inspired videos, covers, and avatar/profile images. If you’re looking for a steady stream of anime wallpapers and more, AlphaCoders should be your first stop.
This is one of the most favorite places for anime wallpapers since it has a variety of wallpapers that you can choose from, and not just the same as the one you encounter everywhere. Additionally, most of them are of high quality and comes with high-resolution images that blend well with huge screens. However, never click on the homepage without an ad blocker, it is associated with real pop-up problems. Always embrace the search function, and all shall be well.
Konachan and
Konachan is an amazing place for anime wallpapers, especially if you’re okay with a few wallpapers that are likely to be warped in nature. Since they are of the best quality, no emphasis is put upon them. On the other hand, there is also which is exclusive on HQ images, although they are not always wallpapers. However, since there is no general browsing or sections, you have to be set with an idea of the character or series you have been looking for on both sites.
If you have a positive liking for images of high-quality scans starting at the art books and so forth, then Minitokyo is the most appropriate site to start your search for anime wallpapers. Most of the times, they are of wallpaper size and shape and so it will really work for you. However, you may not find much, and in case you get one in the way of fan art, it could be an added advantage to you.
This is another site that shares a lot with Konachan, starting all the way from the design of the site, although it is an NSFW. There are a number of nice images which are hidden, amongst those lewd. Most of them can be found in other places that feature less of the shoulder checks whenever you’re browsing.
Deviant Art
Deviant art is a hit or miss place for the best wallpaper. They have amazing graphic artists that can create some of the best wallpapers, and other crappy ones who are still learning one or two things. You’ll be required to sift a bit in order to acquire some good stuff, as the stuff will always be unique.
Reddit – r/AnimeWallpaper
Reddit: for better or for worse, it will solve all your problems. As you browse r/AnimeWallpaper in search for something good, you will come across a front page that is fully dominated by series airing currently. One advantage associated with r/AnimeWallpaper is that you are allowed to make a request. You’re also allowed to post an image which is not a right proportion for your desktop. You can then request the community to turn it into wallpaper. In case you don’t get a bite maybe you didn’t follow properly the rules of posting.
This is a classic site for desktop wallpaper, although it comes with a section of anime. As you search for series or characters, you’re likely to come across several hits because most of the tags on many types of wallpaper are more generic. If you have always wanted to browse by resolution, this is the right option as also it features a good number of great anime scenery.
This is another good site for mobile avatars and mobile anime wallpapers, especially on the desktop wallpapers. Most often, you will get a nice image of the right proportion, although not always. However, you may find these great images, and take them to the next recommendation site of anime wallpaper.
/W/ – 4Chan
You may not want to avoid some sexy and dubious section of 4chan if you’re not ready, but /w/ -4Chan is still one of the appropriate choices for anime wallpapers. You have a chance to browse the most recent catalog in order to look for the past image threads. Threads are labeled per character or series in order to help you get the most accurate search results.
Wrapping it all up…
Your struggle to find the best anime-themed wallpapers is over. The above sites are some of the best places to find wallpapers. Make your mobile device or desktop appear more attractive with an amazing wallpaper from the above sites.